Tips for Moving With Pets

Tips For Moving With Pets

Moving to a new home can be a stressful experience for all family members, including the four-legged ones. From packing to unpacking and all the steps in between, here are a few tips to ensure you and your pet have a smooth moving experience.

  1. Update your pet’s identification: Before the move, ensure your pet’s identification tags and microchip information are up-to-date with your new address and contact information.
  2. Keep your pets in a safe and quiet area with familiar bedding: On the day of the move, keep your pets in a quiet and secure room away from the hustle and bustle of the move. This will not only help keep them calm but also prevent them from getting lost or injured.
  3. Stick to your pet’s routine: Try to maintain your pet’s regular feeding, exercise, and sleeping routine as much as possible, even during the move.
  4. Introduce your pet to the new home slowly: When you arrive at your new home, let your pet explore their new surroundings at their own pace. Be patient and allow them to adjust to the new environment before introducing them to other pets or people in the neighborhood.
  5. Consult with your vet: If your pet is prone to anxiety or motion sickness, talk to your veterinarian about possible medications or other treatments that can help ease their transition to the new home.
  6. Give your pet a lot of positive attention and interactions. Hide treats and provide extra affection to help form positive associations with your new home.

With some planning, time, and patience, your pet will be ruling its new domain in no time. For more tips on how to keep your pet safe in all environments, read how to perform the Heimlich on your dog.