Royal Pine Buck " Dillon"
03/01/1992 - 01/11/2024
Cleveland, Ohio
Dillon aka “Dilly Bar,Dilano Cookie, Marshall Dillon, Mr.D ”
On May 15th 2003 we became each other’s.
It was the best day of my life.
Many said you were ” too much horse for me and to get another”
But I did not let it disuade me.
We became close and had many wonderful rides, walks, groomings, and handgrazes and sometimes free grazes.
It was nice to just be in your company.
I will remember how smart you are. Able to untie knots and when others raced in the pasture instead of running the whole way around the field, you would cut across the field and take the lead.
Always aware of your surroundings, I could never sneak up on you, you always knew where I was and kept an eye on me the whole time.
I will remember having you in the crossties and your concern for me dancing from side to side while softly nickering when I would leave your sight , others would call it separation anxiety, I called it part of your herd and I felt honored when I heard that soft nicker from you when I came back into your sight and you calmed.
My weatherman <3
Who else could tell me it was going to start pouring rain or storm and come inside from pasture minutes before it hit, letting everyone else know when it was time to come inside to safety and shelter.
I will miss you showing me where to scratch you when you were itchy, what footing needed treaded carefully on our rides and the best path to take.
You are the most honest horse I ever knew and ridden, never intentionally mean or evasive and never trying to do harm to anyone.
In fact, in most of the 20 yrs of having you I rarely saw you pin an ear at a human or raise a leg to kick, even when you had many reasons to with your arthritis and other aches and pains of golden oldie age)
If in the rare instance did raise a leg or pin an ear, I knew to always look carefully as there was a good reason, that sometimes people missed ( myself included)
In your older years when you were retired and could not be ridden , I still loved you and you were just as valuable to me, because you were my Dillon… by that time I could almost read your mind and you mine. At times I think I definitely could.
I could go on forever about you, the stories we share, about my unconditional love for you. But there are not enough words in all the languages to describe. I hope I did my best for you, gave you a chance when nobody else would, let you have a say in life.
Your earthly body may have failed you, but your spirit will live forever in heaven. <3
Psalm 37:3-7
Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun. Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.

Compassionate and helpful staff. Exactly what I needed in the moment. Fast services and delivery.
Becky J.

I have used this pet cremation service for many years. They are always very professional and so caring. They make a very heartbreaking experience manageable. Their kindness and compassion are the true reason I've recommended them to so many people over the years. They are extremely reasonable in their pricing and they have an option of urns. They truly are the best in my book.
Debbie M.